Following sclerotherapy treatment of surface leg veins it is usual to develop some superficial bruising in the area of treatment. This bruising typically changes in colour from an initial purple discoloration to a brown colour before disappearing over one to two weeks in the same way a bruise from a knock to the leg might…

The use of glue to seal off Varicose Veins has recently attracted a lot of publicity. The treatment is called VENASEAL and involves using the glue butylcyanoacrylate. The treatment is designed for the treatment of larger deeper veins and not for surface and spider veins. The glue is injected into a vein via a catheter…

Aching and pain in the legs can be caused by many conditions including Varicose Veins. Most leg pains are caused by wear and tear to the joints, muscles, ligaments or tendons in the leg. Some types of leg pain can be due to lower spine problems or inflammation of nerves (neuropathy) or muscles (myalgia). Leg…
5 ways to reduce the risk of D.V.T when flying
 One of the common risk factors for developing DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) is long distance air travel. Air plane travel creates increased risks not only because of restricted mobility within the airplane but also because of lower oxygen levels (which may activate the clotting system) and lower humidity within airplane cabins – which increases risk…
Varicose Veins: Symptoms and Treatments
For the most part, varicose veins are esentially harmless. They do not cause other symptoms to develop even when they are fully visible. Their appearance however may lead people to believe that there is something serious developing with the body. For the most part, the sight of varicose veins is a purely cosmetic consideration. Their appearance…